Every link
is a liability

Bring 3rd party content under your control.

IntegrURL warns outbound users if the content has changed since the link was created, letting you link out with confidence.

* Link is valid for 30 days. Sign up for permanent manageable links

How does it work?

IntegrURL works by taking a snapshot of the resource at the time the link is created. When a visitor attempts to access the resource if it has changed in any way the visitor will be alerted that it may no longer be trusted. IntegrURL currently supports .pdf and .doc file types as well as standard web pages.

Has the content changed?

Content under your control

Safely referencing third party documents or web pages can be tricky for many organisations. Linking out to a compromised site or deliberate miss-information could be far worse than a broken link. IntegrURL provides a simple convenient way to allow you to safely link out to 3rd party information and automatically warn users if that resource then changes. If that content change is benign you can easily re-approve with a button click.

Thislink rot studyby ahrefs claim 66.5% of Links to Sites in the Last 9 Years Are Dead. The problem with content drift is much harder to identify and control.

IntegrURL vs Internet Archives

Linking to an archive copy of a web page using a tool likeThe Internet ArchiveorPerma.cccan be a good solution in some use cases but it does have some downsides. An archived page isn't the actual website this means many features and links will not work. IntegrURL on the other hand lets users directly access the target website and only alerts them if the content has changed which leads to a better user experience. IntegrURL is a solution that better accepts the reality of an ever changing web.


  • Fully working website
  • Transparent unless content changes
  • Warns users with out blocking them
  • One click link re-approval
  • Fast

Internet Archives

  • Archived version of website
  • Content frozen
  • Can be slow to load


Warn users if we detect a content change

As soon as we detect a change we alert all the users that click the link. If no change user are taken directly to content.

Checked multiple times a day

IntegrURL checks all your links target content multiple times every day.

One click re-approval

Sign up and get the ability to re-approve content that has changed at the click of the button.

Easy to manage

See which links are stale at a glance on the dashboard.

Where can it help?

For many organisations ensuing the integrity of 3rd party content may be crucial:

  • - Health advice & information
  • - Government policies & regulations
  • - Educational resources
  • - Media outlets & agencies
  • - Scientific Research
  • - Company policies
  • - Travel advice and guidelines